Coping with Loss – When Source’s clearing the way for something better.
Sometimes things are taken from you or a road block is seemingly thrust upon you. It feels overwhelming and challenging in moments. Initially it could be perceived as a setback, but later in hindsight you see it led you to something even better, something even more aligned with your joy. It led to more balance, peace and thriving.
It does not always feel great to lose things. But the only thing for certain in life is CHANGE – and the only way to experience new things and to grow, is to let go of what no longer serves, and create space. There can be grief, there can be growing pains, but never forget - stagnancy is also painful. Which pain do you choose?
The more one learns to let go of resistance and embrace change, the more one learns not to get boggled down by it for too long, the more they will get to just enjoy the ride. Trusting that God – that Omnipotent Source has a plan for you. Focus on what you CAN control by being kind and good to yourself and others, and then everything will fall into place.
Cultivate gratitude for your existing blessings and the blessings you can find in even the simplest of moments, by being present to the love that surrounds you, if you choose to see it and seek it.
Affirm - “I am open to new and wonderful changes. I am open to receiving the magic and miracles of this moment and this phase of my life.”